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Liebe Familien Zerter, ich möchte Euch auf diesem Wege meine herzliche Anteilnahme aussprechen. Margrets Weggehen hat auch mich sehr getroffen. Wir waren doch über die langen Jahre sehr gute Freunde ( Willi und Hans). Ich vermisse unseren Briefwechsel und unsere vielen Telefonate. So bleibt mir nur die Erinnerung an die Treffen in Deutschland und die Besuche in Lübeck. Für mich unvergeßlich der schöne Canada-Urlaub mit Margret und Willi, den ich bei Euch erleben durfte, und an den Ihr auch beteiligt wart. Ich bin am 01. 10. in Gedanken bei Euch in Vanbleek-Hill. Für Barbara die besten Wünsche und alles Gute. Lotti aus Lübeck
We were very sad to her about your mom. She was and always will be in our thoughts. We had just written a card to her and it came back moved. My deepest condolences from the Lazar Family.
I wish to extend by condolences to the family and friends of Mrs. Zerter. Mrs. Zerter was my first grade teacher in 1965. What I remember about her was her positive and supportive attitude. She was a caring teacher that eased the anxieties that many of us may have had in that first year of school. She provided a good learning environment. As an adult I was able to contact her just a few times over the years and she was always warm and welcoming. Mrs. Zerter made a difference and she will be missed but not forgotten. Domenic
I could talk to Margaret about anything. As I spoke, she always looked me straight in the eye. There was no judgment; no sense of 'hurry-up.' Margaret nodded, gave her familiar "yes," as only she could say it. And her empathy, "I know…" At the post office, the pharmacy, the grocery store, in her home while the budgie flew - it did not matter where - Margaret listened. As her mobility decreased, she fully appreciated, and marvelled at the use of e-mail that her family initiated.
Working at The Review (1983-1989), I came to know Margaret through the Red Cross and the Horticultural Society. Emergency planning was the big ticket item for the Red Cross, and the grand visit by Elwy Yost was the zenith of the annual Flower Show!
Although that original emergency plan was long gone by the time of the 1998 Ice Storm, it had laid the seed for community compassion. From the Emergency Centre, I drove to Margaret and Willie's home to bring water. Margaret laughed. She had relocated the two of them to the ground floor, and they were comfortably camping inside the house.
Margaret's personal story of WWII is so very powerful. And by publishing it, she generously gave her lessons learned to all of us. Margaret's walk home was a walk through history. She knew the sharp edge of the sword.
I think it was a walk that once undertaken, she continued throughout her life. Life did not pass her by, nor did she turn away from it. Margaret walked into life. She knew the sorrows firsthand; yet, she did not dwell there. Instead, she thoughtfully welcomed family, culture, community and the constant rhythm of change that life brings.
Though Margaret and Willie are now gone, the Linden trees they helped to plant remain with us. Fittingly, purveyors of community and friendship.
Michelle Landriault
Vankleek Hill
Liebe Cousinen, liebe Cousins mit Familien. Heute ist sicherlich für euch noch einmal ein besonders schwerer Tag. Abschiednehmen am Grab scheint so entgültig, dass es noch einmal besonders schmerzhaft ist. Doch ihr werdet sehen, dass die Erinnerungen an eure Mutter immer wach bleiben und somit der Abschied doch nicht entgültig ist - erst recht nicht, wenn man daran glaubt, dass wir uns alle einmal wiedersehen. Eure Mutter war in vielerlei Hinsicht eine ganz besondere Frau: Ob man zum Beispiel an ihr ungeheures Durchhaltevermögen nach der Auswanderung nach Canada denkt, als euer Vater so schwer erkrankte und arbeitslos wurde oder an den ersten Hausbau - Wohnen im Keller während des kalten Winters - oder an ihre Herzlichkeit, ihren wachen Verstand oder ihre praktische Art. Hierzu ein Beispiel, über das wir schon oft gelacht haben. Als wir euch vor 12 Jahren in Canada besuchten, hatten wir, da wir mit 5 Personen einen Monat bleiben wollten, natürlich sehr viel Gepäck dabei. Eure Mutter packte Koffer und Taschen in den Kofferraum eures Autos aber so viele, dass man den Kofferraumdeckel nicht mehr schließen konnte. Doch darauf war sie vorbereitet. Sie hatte einen Strick mitgebracht, mit dem der Kofferraumdeckel festgezurrt wurde. Dann mussten wir uns ins Auto setzen, das restliche Gepäck kam auf unsere Knie. Am Schluss konnten wir nur noch mit unseren Köpfen drüber weg gucken. Wir hatten riesig viel Spass! Sie, aber auch euer Vater, werden uns immer ein gutes, wertvolles Vorbild bleiben!!! Beide werden wir sehr vermissen, da wir sie sehr geliebt haben. Euch wünschen wir viel Kraft für die nächste Zeit! Mit Liebe Benno, Deta, Karin, Ralph und Biene Ohters
To Margaret Zerter’s children, I am sorry for your loss. Your mother was an amazing lady, bright, kind, intelligent and so full of life and energy. Mrs. Zerter was much admired in our family. She always had a warm welcome for the Vekteris children growing up, which was never forgotten. Years later, your mother and father were once again dear neighbours and friends for some of our family near Vankleek Hill. Your mother will be much missed, and I hope you will be comforted by many good memories of her. Our thoughts are with all of you, and on behalf of the Vekteris family I would like to offer our deepest condolences.
Our sincere condolences to all family. Margarethe was our neighbour for over fifteen years, and was a lovely, warm classy lady, spunky and loving life to the fullest always had stories to share, and we enjoyed sharing a good laugh with her.We will miss her.
Barbara: I read of your mother's death. It seems that she was a fine woman who gave much of herself to others, and that quality certainly lives on in you. I hope memories of good times past will help you and your family during this sad period. Affectionately, Carole Desormeaux
Mit Tante Margret ist ein Mensch von uns gegangen, dessen Schaffen, Intelligenz, Mut, Herzlichkeit und Empathie ewige Spuren hinterlassen. Diese Tugenden und ihre Art zu Leben sind für alle ein Vermächtnis, darin Orientierung zu finden. Sie war ein wirkliches Vorbild. Sie bedeutete uns unendlich viel. Wir haben sie sehr geliebt und werden sie immer in unseren Herzen tragen. Mit Liebe Jürgen, Beate, Julia und Eva Ohters
Bill, You and your family are not far from my thoughts. Sending you strength to make it through! Rest in Peace, Margaret. Vanessa
Dear Bill, My thoughts are with you and with your mother, Margaret. I have offered a prayer for your mother. I am sorry for your loss. Dom
Bill, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time. Might she rest in peace. Consuelo & William
Bill: My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Always, Dave
Hi Bill I am so sorry for your loss. My condolence to you and your family.
Bill, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. May God be with you. Sincerely, Paula Jukes
Bill, Thinking of you and your family at this time of your loss, May God be your comfort. Eunice Ekuban
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Addresse: 151 rue Bond | Vankleek Hill, ON | K0B 1R0
Téléphone: (613) 548-6895
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