Sheila Lamontagne

Visitation/ Visites

14:00 - 15:00
mardi, le 27 septembre 2022
Hillcrest Funeral Home Ltd./ Salon funéraire Hillcrest Ltée
151 Bond Street
Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada
613 678 2002

Ceremony/ Cérémonie

mardi, le 27 septembre 2022
Hillcrest Funeral Home Ltd./ Salon funéraire Hillcrest Ltée
151 Bond Street
Vankleek Hill, Ontario, Canada
613 678 2002
Cliquez ici pour envoyer un message de condoléances à la famille de Sheila Lamontagne.


Linda Tremblay

Mrs Lamontage, I always enjoyed our many phone calls. I know these last couple of years you told me you were very happy because you and Donna were always planning a new adventure and Donna made sure your days were always full. I am glad you both had that time together. You will be missed. Linda Tremblay

Bernette Keating

Sheila, having you and Guy as neighbours was one of the best things which happened to me when I moved to Hawkesbury! I loved you both like parents and will miss you terribly. Hope you're enjoying being with each other once again!!

My sincere condolences to the entire family.

Love "B"

Daniel Bouthillette

I'll miss you, grandma!

Daniel Bouthillette

Samanta Dubois

My deeplest condoleances to the family and friends. I knew Mrs. Lamontagne. She was my client at the pharmacy in Hawkesbury, few years back. She was a really nice lady to speak with.

Samanta Dubois

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